Please find below all relevant compliance-related documents and regulatory information for Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft (engl. Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative).
Articles of Association Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative
AML Wolfsberg Group FCCQ – 19.12.2023 (PDF, 710.9KB)
FINMA list of authorised banks and securities dealers
USA Patriot Act Certification – 12.05.2023 (PDF, 254.7KB)
Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative is registered under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA).
The following details apply
- Address Raiffeisenplatz, CH-9001 St. Gallen, Switzerland
- Reporting Model 2 FFI – no branch entity
- GIIN NS3JEB.00000.LE.756
W-8BEN-E – May 2023 (PDF, 753.8KB)
- Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) 5299006GIHQ1ELISCV48
- Classification according to MiFID II/MiFIR and EMIR
Established in Switzerland, Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative (RCH) is classified as a third country entity under MiFID II/MiFIR. RCH is an eligible counterparty under MiFID II/MiFIR. Under EMIR RCH is,
– with respect to the counterparty classification,
– a third country entity
– a financial counterparty
– with respect to the clearing categorisation,
– a category 1 entity in respect of OTC derivative contracts (interest rate products) that are subject to RTS
– not an alternative investment fund - FINFRAG
In Switzerland, RCH is subject to FINFRAG. Under FINFRAG, RCH is classified as a Financial Counterparty above the threshold (FC+). - FinSA (FIDLEG)
Under the Swiss Federal Act on Financial Services (FinSA), RCH classifies as an institutional client. - Execution of orders
RCH consents to the execution of orders outside of a trading venue. - Limit orders
RCH consents to the non-publication of limit orders in shares that cannot be immediately executed. - Provision of information
RCH consents to the provision of information by e-mail or through a website or portal. - Research
The MiFID II rules on investment research and financial analysis do not apply to RCH.
Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI)
In accordance with Swiss legislation, implementing the OECD Common Reporting Standard (CRS), including the Swiss AEOI Act and the AEOI Agreements between Switzerland and its partner jurisdictions, Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative declares and confirms the following certifications:
Confirmation of Residence for Tax Purposes and AEOI/CRS Status – 12.12.2016 (PDF, 430.6KB)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
With respect to the «Interpretive Guidance and Policy Statement Regarding Compliance with Certain Swap Regulations», Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative
- is not a U.S. person;
- is not an affiliate conduit, and
- has no U.S. person guarantees.
FX Global Code
Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative follows the Code referred to under along the following statement:
Statement of Commitment – 15.11.2019 (PDF, 91.8KB)
Global Precious Metals Code
Raiffeisen Switzerland Cooperative follows the LBMA Global Precious Metals Code along the following statement:
Statement of Commitment – 27.10.2023 (PDF, 29KB)
Terms & Conditions